The Gataga River and Mayfield Lakes area is a pristine chunk of the great continental wilderness that once existed. As such, it offers excellent opportunities to study largely undisturbed wildlife populations, including moose, caribou, and small mammals. Terrestrial mammals, fish and aquatics, and plant communities remain largely as they were pre-contact.
A few examples of research areas might include aquatics, terrestrial mammals and plants, glaciology, eDNA, and the effects of climate change on a boreal mountain ecosystem.
UNBC conducted eDNA research at the Mayfield camp in the summer of 2024. Stay tuned for the results!
Spawning grayling at the outlet of Mayfield Lake
Mayfield offers excellent opportunities to study largely undisturbed wildlife populations, including moose, caribou, and small mammals.
In 2007, a fire burned an area around Mayfield Lake. Note the stake in the picture.
The same burn site in 2023 (stake is just to the left of the person in yellow coat).